• Founder and Chair
    - Organization Development
    - Project/Event Planning, Management
    - Community Organization, Management (Discord)

  • - Art Markets (Feb.22, Sept.22, April.23, Oct.23)
    - Gallery Collaborations (Jan.23, Sept.23)
    - Guest Speaker Event (Mar.23)
    - Open Figure Drawing Fridays (23)

I.G.D.A Central Virginia

  • - Volunteer (22-23)
    - Board Member (23 - Present)
    - Event Planning/Management

  • - Game Industry Recruiting Q&A (Activizionn Blizzard and Mobilityware)

    - Producer Q&A (Tony Hsu of Obsidian and Kristin Saton-Heit of Kongregate)

    - From Dream to Funding (Rami Ismail)

    - Startup Game Studio Q&A (Leyla Johnson of Mohawsk Games, Soren Johnson of Mohawk Games, Patrick Curry of Farbridge)

    - How It Shipped: Insecure: The Come Up Game (Latoya Peterson of Glow Up Games)

Game Development

  • Typical Roles:
    - Team lead (Production)
    - Game Design
    - Visual Design